Need to demonstrate a well-considered approach to trees? We offer practical advice on how to minimise or circumvent potential tree impacts.
Expert tree advice makes all the difference in achieving the approvals you need for your scheme.
Our balanced approach demonstrates how trees can enhance the value of your site and contribute to sustainable development objectives.
Our tree surveys and reports comply with best practice, and are consistently well-received by planners and consultees.
So, meet planning authority expectations first-time round for tree retention, protection and mitigation proposals by commissioning us to enhance your planning submission.
We advise on trees and planning in relation to household extensions, residential and commercial development in urban and rural areas, including brownfield and grey belt sites proposed for development.
Call us to discuss your plans and see how we can help your project get the Green Light to proceed!
From concept to completion
At feasibility and planning stages we offer
- Pre-purchase tree surveys - an overview of tree quality and value, likely tree constraints and possible workarounds
- Feasibility studies for urban & rural sites including brownfield & grey belt
- Track record of tree advice for Para 84 planning
- Tree plotting with sub-metre GPS accuracy
- BS5837 tree surveys and constraints plans
- Arboricultural impact assessments
- Arboricultural method statements
- Tree removal and protection plans
- Biodiversity Net Gain calculations for trees
- Tree planting plans
We are CSCS compliant and familiar with construction logistics, so at construction stage we offer
- Arboricultural Clerk of Works supervision and monitoring
- Discharge of planning conditions
Past projects
- Seeing a new NHS hospital amoothly from planning to construction
Case study: East Riding Hospital, Beverley - Contributing to planning consent success of major mixed-use housing, retail and leisure development
Case study: Brookfield Riverside and Garden Village, Hertfordshire - Discharging tree-related planning conditions
Case study: Norton Lea Hospital, Lincolnshire - Advising on trees and construction in a heritage setting
Case study: The Florence Institute, Liverpool
Request a quote
We advise on trees in relation to planning and construction and help your scheme get the Green Light.
Whether you are at planning or construction stage, whether it's a single house or a mixed-used development, open countrysdie or grey belt, we can help.
We are ready to help take your project from the starting blocks to the finishing line!
Contact us to discuss BS 5837 tree survey & planning.
Trusted Tree Advice since 2008
Trees offer a unique opportunity to enhance your project's sense of place and the sustainability of your scheme. All of this adds up to added value on every level. Trust us to help you achieve this through our quality tree advice and collaborative approach.
Take our sound tree advice to make sound decisions
Want to find out more about how we can benefit your project?
Call us on 01904 479094 or email