Project portfolio

Tree Surveys for New Hospital Development


Arboricultural consultancy for new Yorkshire community hospital in Beverley


Humber NHS Foundation Trust



Over fifteen years ago the planning application for a new Community Hospital in Beverley was being assembled. Fifteen years later Easter Riding Hospital’s newly designed and created grounds have developed into an unusually biodiverse example of hospital grounds!

The hospital is surrounded by a wider landscape of wetland and ponds home to Great Crested Newts and grass snakes. Bordered by mature hedges and trees, the hospital’s landscaping incorporates ponds, wildflower meadow and tussock grassland. Sparrow terrace boxes, barn owl boxes and bat boxes were also installed as part of the planning permission.

Committed to an ongoing bespoke programme of habitat management, the NHS hospital boasts structural, botanical and species diversity which is appreciated by patients who are able to access the areas along pathways.

How we helped

We were part of the original team who put together the planning application for the new community hospital in Beverley in 2009. We have been involved in the site since that day, with our recent involvement being to monitor habitat and tree management.

As the scheme’s Arboricultural Consultants we planned and carried out the BS5837 tree surveys and carried out the Arboricultural Impact Assessments. We worked with the design team to identify tree constraints at an early stage and put measures in place for retained trees.

Our involvement ensured planning conditions were satisfied in regard to trees. We advised on tree planting and aftercare and carried out Arboricultural Clerk of Works duties to oversee tree removal and works close to trees.

Since 2013 we have being working closely and constructively with NHS facility managers to monitor the hospital landscaping. As part of the discharge of conditions we developed a Habitat Management Plan which set out a specification to guide landscape contractors managing the site.

We have monitored the management of the hospital’s soft estate and its sustainable landscape management since the hospital opened. Our work includes routine tree safety monitoring and ongoing advice on tree management works to ensure tree risk to people and property is managed at a reasonable level.

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What our clients say

“Thank you, the monitoring ensured work was on track, landscaping standards met and remedial measures highlighted”

R M, NHS Facility Manager,
City Health Care Partnership

What our clients say


Guy, you are a prince among men!
Thanks for taking time out to look at the tree and for your incredibly helpful advice!


Head Gardener
Bowcliffe Hall