Project portfolio

Tree Safety Surveys for Schools


Helping Cambridgeshire County Council Manage Tree Risk


Cambridgeshire County Council



Following a fatal tree failure in a school in Newcastle in 2020, school managers are alert to the importance of carrying out routine tree safety inspections.

By carrying out routine tree inspections it is possible to make an early identification of poor tree health and decay in trees so that schools can bring in Contractors to manage unsafe trees.

Furthermore, by having a rolling programme of tree inspection, management and monitoring schools can demonstrate they are meeting their legal duty of care to safeguard staff, pupils and visitors.

Cambridgeshire County Council alert to the potential risk trees pose have been proactive in commissioning a tree safety audit.

The Council commissioned us initially in 2018 to survey trees at the majority of primary and secondary schools under Council control.

In 2023, conscious that tree risk needs to be reviewed regularly, Cambridgeshire County Council commissioned us again to reinspect the trees and update the work schedule.

How we helped

As licensed QTRA tree risk assessors we carried out tree safety and risk survey for 50 maintained schools across Huntingdonshire and Fenland districts for Cambridgeshire County Council.

Our tree safety audits are an early warning system for school managers. Our tree management plans give a prioritised schedule of tree work so that tree risk can be reduced to a reasonable level.

Our work allows the Council to demonstrate they had met their duty of care to pupils, staff and visitors. Should a challenge arise, school managers can demonstrate they have met their duty of care to staff, pupils and visitors.

We prepared a tree inventory and devised a prioritised schedule of tree works so tree contractors can easily carry out the tree risk management works. We only recommended tree works essential reducing tree risk so that school budgets were not exhausted on unnecessary work.

Our digital surveys and mapping means our data, reports and plans are reliable and future proof. This gives Cambridgeshire Council a long-term return on their investment in our tree services.

Want a tree safety survey for your school?

We can provide a cost-effective survey programme to help you manage tree risk and remain compliant. Please contact us to discuss!
Find out more about our tree safety surveys for schools.

What our clients say

“The school tree surveys have been an invaluable tool in a more planned and preventative approach to tree risk”
R.R. Council Officer, Cambridgeshire County Council

What our clients say


Guy, you are a prince among men!
Thanks for taking time out to look at the tree and for your incredibly helpful advice!


Head Gardener
Bowcliffe Hall