Project portfolio

Heritage lottery tree survey for Grade II listed Yorkshire gardens


Heritage Lottery Fund project for South Cliff Gardens in Scarborough, North Yorkshire.


Scarborough Borough Council



The terraced walkways of South Cliff Gardens offer spectacular views over the North Sea and the seaside resort of Scarborough. The dynamic nature of the cliffs provides much habitat diversity and a uniquely challenging site to manage. There are hard and soft maritime cliffs, springs and flushes, woodland, calcareous grassland and maritime vegetation over the coastal site.

When these Grade II Listed Registered Parks and Gardens secured HLF funding for restoration, we were delighted to be approached by the project lead Southern Green to provide arboricultural advice to inform the Conservation Management Plan for South Cliff.

How we helped

Enviroscope carried out tree and ecology surveys, including bat assessments of historic buildings. These informed the project’s Conservation Management Plan.

We reported on how the treescape is moderately rich in species. As well as how it includes ornamental planting dating back to the gardens’ 19th century origins.

Our report made recommendations for:

  • Improving the quality and condition of the treescape
  • Restoring original planting
  • Enhancing biodiversity

It was satisfying to see the restoration works implemented at South Cliff. We remained involved through the construction phase, to advise on tree impacts, to provide practical approaches to mitigate impacts and to monitor works close to sensitive trees in this unique seaside park.

Do you require a Tree Management Plan for your park or garden?

Please contact us!

We have a wealth of experience preparing tree inventories for tree collections and public and private gardens.

We will describe and evaluate your treestock and prepare a simple to implement Tree Management Plan which will help you stay ahead of tree health issues, develop trees of attractive form and maintain and safe and secure environment for park and garden visitors.

Read more here about our Tree Survey and Tree Management Plans services for parks and gardens, schools, universities, hospitals, Section 106 open spaces and visitor attractions.

What our clients say


Guy, you are a prince among men!
Thanks for taking time out to look at the tree and for your incredibly helpful advice!


Head Gardener
Bowcliffe Hall